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Responsible Gambling: What It Is and How to Practice It

Gambling is an activity that offers the possibility of winning money while having fun. However, it’s important to remember that it can become a problem for some individuals if not practiced responsibly. For this reason, Bet7K is committed to promoting responsible gambling to protect its players.

Responsible gambling involves a set of practices aimed at preventing and addressing gambling-related issues such as addiction and debt. This includes measures such as deposit limits, self-exclusion, monitoring compulsive play, providing informative articles for player awareness, and more.

Deposit limits, for example, are a way to help players control their spending and prevent debt. With this feature, players can set a maximum deposit amount within a specific time period, preventing them from spending more than they can afford.

How to Practice Responsible Gambling

  1. Set time and money limits: Before you start playing, establish a budget and a time limit to avoid playing for too long or spending more money than you can afford.
  2. Play for fun: Gamble only for entertainment and not as a source of income or a solution to financial problems.
  3. Know the game rules: Make sure to understand the rules of the game before playing and choose games that you know have a reasonable chance of winning.
  4. Avoid alcohol and drugs while gambling, as they can decrease self-control and increase impulsiveness, leading to risky behaviors.
  5. Monitor your feelings: If you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed, consider postponing gambling until you feel better.
  6. It’s important to avoid using gambling as a way to cope with personal or emotional issues, especially during times of stress or sadness.
  7. If you feel that gambling is affecting your life or losing control, seek professional help or support from friends and family.

Remember that responsible gambling involves healthy and mindful habits during play, allowing you to enjoy the entertainment without the risks of excessive gambling.

It’s important to note that responsible gambling is not solely the responsibility of betting houses, but also of the players themselves. Gambling responsibly involves setting a budget, controlling spending, avoiding playing under emotional or financial pressure, and seeking help when needed.

You can also visit our Responsible Gambling Policy section at the footer of our homepage.

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